import re
import string
import time
import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from functools import reduce
from typing import Callable, Union
import nltk
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import wordninja
from glom import glom
from nltk import LancasterStemmer, ngrams
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
from nltk.stem import SnowballStemmer
from num2words import num2words
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer
from optimus.engines.base.meta import Meta
from optimus.engines.base.stringclustering import Clusters
from optimus.helpers.check import is_dask_dataframe
from optimus.helpers.columns import parse_columns, check_column_numbers, prepare_columns, get_output_cols, \
prepare_columns_arguments, \
validate_columns_names, name_col
from optimus.helpers.constants import Actions, CONTRACTIONS, PROFILER_CATEGORICAL_DTYPES, ProfilerDataTypes, \
from optimus.helpers.converter import convert_numpy, format_dict
from optimus.helpers.core import unzip, val_to_list, one_list_to_val
from optimus.helpers.functions import transform_date_format
from optimus.helpers.logger import logger
from optimus.helpers.raiseit import RaiseIt
from optimus.helpers.types import *
from optimus.infer import is_dict, is_int_like, is_list_of_list, is_numeric, is_numeric_like, is_str, is_list_value, \
is_one_element, \
is_list_of_tuples, is_int, is_list_of_str, is_tuple, is_null, is_list, str_to_int
from optimus.optimus import Engine, EnginePretty
from optimus.profiler.constants import MAX_BUCKETS
# from optimus.engines.dask.functions import DaskFunctions as F
[docs]class BaseColumns(ABC):
"""Base class for all Cols implementations"""
def __init__(self, root: 'DataFrameType'):
self.root = root
self.F = self.root.functions
def _series_to_dict(self, series):
:param series:
return self._series_to_pandas(series).to_dict()
def _series_to_pandas(self, series):
:param series:
def _map(self, df, input_col, output_col, func, *args):
:param df:
:param input_col:
:param output_col:
:param func:
:param args:
return df[input_col].apply(func, args=(*args,)).rename(output_col)
def _names(self):
def _transformed(self, updated=None):
:param updated:
if updated is None:
updated = []
actions = Meta.get(self.root.meta, "transformations.actions") or []
transformed_columns = []
updated = val_to_list(updated)
for action in actions:
action_cols = action.get("columns", None)
action_stats = action.get("updated_stats", [])
if not action_cols:
if is_tuple(action_cols):
action_cols = action_cols[1]
if len(updated) and all(stat in action_stats for stat in updated):
action_cols = val_to_list(action_cols)
transformed_columns += action_cols
return list(set(transformed_columns))
def _set_transformed_stat(self, cols="*", stats=None):
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param stats:
cols = parse_columns(self.root, cols)
actions = Meta.get(self.root.meta, "transformations.actions") or []
stats = val_to_list(stats)
for i, action in enumerate(actions):
action_cols = action.get("columns", None)
action_stats = action.get("updated_stats", [])
if not action_cols:
if is_tuple(action_cols):
action_cols = action_cols[1]
action_cols = val_to_list(action_cols)
if all(col in cols for col in action_cols):
action.update({"updated_stats": list(set([*action_stats, *stats]))})
actions[i] = action
self.root.meta = Meta.set(self.root.meta, "transformations.actions", actions)
[docs] @abstractmethod
def append(self, dfs: 'DataFrameTypeList') -> 'DataFrameType':
Appends one or more columns or dataframes.
:param dfs: DataFrame, list of dataframes or list of columns to append to the dataframe
:return: DataFrame
[docs] def concat(self, dfs: 'DataFrameTypeList') -> 'DataFrameType':
Same as append.
:param dfs: DataFrame, list of dataframes or list of columns to append to the dataframe
:return: DataFrame
return self.append(dfs)
[docs] def join(self, df_right: 'DataFrameType', how="left", on=None, left_on=None, right_on=None,
key_middle=False) -> 'DataFrameType':
Join two dataframes using a column.
:param df_right: The dataframe that will be used to join the actual dataframe.
:param how: {‘left’, ‘right’, ‘outer’, ‘inner’}, default ‘left’
:param on: The column that will be used to join the two dataframes.
:param left_on: The column in the actual dataframe that will be used to make to make the join.
:param right_on: The column in the given dataframe that will be used to make to make the join.
:param key_middle: Order the columns putting the left df columns before the key column and the right df columns
:return: Dataframe
return self.root.join(df_right, how, on, left_on, right_on, key_middle)
[docs] def select(self, cols="*", regex=None, data_type=None, invert=False, accepts_missing_cols=False) -> 'DataFrameType':
Select columns using index, column name, regex to data type.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param regex: Regular expression to filter the columns
:param data_type: Data type to be filtered for
:param invert: Invert the selection
:param accepts_missing_cols:
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols if regex is None else regex, is_regex=regex is not None,
filter_by_column_types=data_type, invert=invert,
meta = Meta.select_columns(df.meta, cols)
dfd =
if cols is not None:
dfd = dfd[cols]
return, meta=meta)
[docs] def copy(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, columns=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Copy one or multiple columns.
:param cols: Source column to be copied
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:param columns: tuple of column [('column1','column_copy')('column1','column1_copy')()]
df = self.root
output_ordered_columns = df.cols.names()
if columns is None:
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
if is_list_value(cols) or is_one_element(cols):
output_cols = get_output_cols(cols, output_cols)
if columns:
cols = list([c[0] for c in columns])
output_cols = list([c[1] for c in columns])
output_cols = get_output_cols(cols, output_cols)
for input_col, output_col in zip(cols, output_cols):
if input_col != output_col:
col_index = output_ordered_columns.index(input_col) + 1
output_ordered_columns[col_index:col_index] = [output_col]
kw_columns = {}
dfd =
meta = df.meta
for input_col, output_col in zip(cols, output_cols):
kw_columns[output_col] = dfd[input_col]
meta = Meta.action(meta, Actions.COPY.value,
(input_col, output_col))
df =, meta=meta).cols.assign(kw_columns)
[docs] def duplicate(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, columns=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Alias of copy function.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:param columns: tuple of column [('column1','column_copy')('column1','column1_copy')()]
return self.copy(cols, output_cols, columns)
[docs] def drop(self, cols=None, regex=None, data_type=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Drop a list of columns.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param regex: Regex expression to select the columns
:param data_type:
df = self.root
if regex:
r = re.compile(regex)
cols = [c for c in list(df.cols.names()) if re.match(r, c)]
cols = parse_columns(df, cols, filter_by_column_types=data_type)
check_column_numbers(cols, "*")
dfd =
meta = Meta.action(df.meta, Actions.DROP.value, cols)
meta = Meta.drop_columns(meta, cols)
return, meta=meta)
[docs] def keep(self, cols=None, regex=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Drop a list of columns.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param regex: Regex expression to select the columns
df = self.root
dfd =
_cols = parse_columns(df, "*")
if regex:
# r = re.compile(regex)
cols = [c for c in _cols if re.match(regex, c)]
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
check_column_numbers(cols, "*")
dfd = dfd.drop(columns=list(set(_cols) - set(cols)))
df.meta = Meta.action(df.meta, Actions.KEEP.value, cols)
return, meta=df.meta)
[docs] @staticmethod
def to_timestamp(cols, date_format=None, output_cols=None):
:param cols:
:param date_format:
:param output_cols:
[docs] def apply(self, cols="*", func=None, func_return_type=None, args=None, func_type=None, where=None,
filter_col_by_data_types=None, output_cols=None, skip_output_cols_processing=False,
meta_action=Actions.APPLY_COLS.value, mode="vectorized", set_index=False, default=None,
**kwargs) -> 'DataFrameType':
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param func:
:param func_return_type:
:param args:
:param func_type:
:param where:
:param filter_col_by_data_types:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:param skip_output_cols_processing:
:param meta_action:
:param mode:
:param set_index:
:param default:
:param kwargs:
columns = prepare_columns(self.root, cols, output_cols, filter_by_column_types=filter_col_by_data_types,
accepts_missing_cols=True, default=default)
kw_columns = {}
output_ordered_columns = self.names()
if args is None:
args = []
elif not is_tuple(args, ):
args = (args,)
df = self.root
dfd =
meta = df.meta
if is_str(func):
_func = getattr(df.functions, func, False)
if not _func:
raise NotImplementedError(f"\"{func}\" is not available using {type(df).__name__}")
func = _func
for input_col, output_col in columns:
if mode == "vectorized":
# kw_columns[output_col] = self.F.delayed(func)(part, *args)
kw_columns[output_col] = func(dfd[input_col], *args)
elif mode == "partitioned":
partitions = self.F.to_delayed(dfd[input_col])
delayed_parts = [self.F.delayed(func)(
part, *args) for part in partitions]
kw_columns[output_col] = self.F.from_delayed(delayed_parts)
elif mode == "map":
kw_columns[output_col] = self._map(
dfd, input_col, str(output_col), func, *args)
# Preserve column order
if output_col not in self.names():
col_index = output_ordered_columns.index(input_col) + 1
output_ordered_columns[col_index:col_index] = [output_col]
meta = Meta.action(meta, meta_action, output_col)
if set_index is True and mode != "partitioned":
dfd = dfd.reset_index()
df =, meta=meta)
if kw_columns:
df = df.cols.assign(kw_columns)
# Dataframe to Optimus dataframe
df =
return df
[docs] def apply_by_data_types(self, cols="*", func=None, args=None, data_type=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply a function using pandas udf or udf if apache arrow is not available.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param func: Functions to be applied to a columns
:param args:
:param func: pandas_udf or udf. If 'None' try to use pandas udf (Pyarrow needed)
:param data_type:
cols = parse_columns(self.root, cols)
mask = self.root.mask.match_data_type(cols, data_type)
return self.set(cols, value_func=func, args=args, where=mask)
[docs] def set(self, cols="*", value_func=None, where: Union[str, 'MaskDataFrameType'] = None, args=None, default=None,
eval_value: bool = False) -> 'DataFrameType':
Set a column value using a number, string or an expression.
:param cols: Columns to set or create.
:param value_func: expression, function or value.
:param where: When the condition in 'where' is True, replace with 'value_func'. Where False, replace with 'default' or keep the original value.
:param args: Argument when 'value_func' param is a function.
:param default: Entries where 'where' is False are replaced with corresponding value from other.
:param eval_value: Parse 'value_func' param in case a string is passed.
if args is None:
args = []
df = self.root
dfd =
cols = parse_columns(df, cols) if cols == "*" else cols
cols = val_to_list(cols)
values = val_to_list(value_func, allow_none=True)
eval_values = val_to_list(eval_value, allow_none=True)
if len(cols) > len(values):
values = [value_func] * len(cols)
if len(cols) > len(eval_values):
eval_values = [eval_value] * len(cols)
assign_dict = {}
move_cols = []
for col_name, _value, _eval_value in zip(cols, values, eval_values):
temp_col_name = name_col(col_name, "SET")
if default is not None:
if is_str(default) and default in df.cols.names():
if default != col_name:
move_cols.append((default, col_name))
default = dfd[default]
elif isinstance(default, self.root.__class__):
default = default.get_series()
dfd[temp_col_name] = default
default = dfd[temp_col_name]
del dfd[temp_col_name]
elif col_name:
if col_name in df.cols.names():
default = dfd[col_name]
default = None
if _eval_value and is_str(_value):
_value = eval(_value)
if is_str(where):
if where in df.cols.names():
where = df[where]
where = eval(where)
if callable(_value):
args = val_to_list(args)
_value = _value(default, *args)
if where is not None:
if isinstance(_value, self.root.__class__):
_value = _value.get_series()
# else:
# # TO-DO: Create the value series
# dfd[temp_col_name] = _value
# _value = dfd[temp_col_name]
# del dfd[temp_col_name]
_value = default.mask(where.get_series(), _value)
if isinstance(_value, self.root.__class__):
_value =[_value.cols.names()[0]]
assign_dict[col_name] = _value
# meta = Meta.action(df.meta, Actions.SET.value, col_name)
new_df =
for col, new_col in move_cols:
new_df = new_df.cols.move(new_col, "after", col)
return new_df
[docs] def rename(self, cols: Union[str, list, dict] = "*", names: Union[str, list] = None, func=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Changes the name of a column(s) dataFrame.
:param cols: string, dictionary or list of strings or tuples. Each tuple may have
following form: (oldColumnName, newColumnName).
:param names: string or list of strings with new names of columns. Ignored if a dictionary
or list of tuples is passed to cols.
:param func: can be lower, upper or any string transformation function.
:return: Dataframe with columns names replaced.
df = self.root
if is_dict(cols):
cols = list(cols.items())
all_cols = df.cols.names()
if is_list_of_tuples(cols):
validate_columns_names(df, cols)
cols, names = zip(*cols)
elif is_list_of_str(cols):
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
elif is_str(cols):
cols = df.cols.names(cols)
cols = all_cols
if names is None:
if func is not None:
names = cols
RaiseIt.value_error((names, func))
if is_list(cols) and not is_list(names):
names = [names] * len(cols)
dfd =
meta = df.meta
for old_col_name, new_col_name in zip(cols, names):
if is_int(old_col_name):
old_col_name = all_cols[old_col_name]
if callable(func):
new_col_name = func(new_col_name)
if old_col_name != new_col_name:
dfd = dfd.rename(columns={old_col_name: new_col_name})
meta = Meta.action(meta, Actions.RENAME.value,
(old_col_name, new_col_name))
return, meta=meta)
[docs] def parse_inferred_types(self, col_data_type):
Parse a engine column specific data type to a profiler data type.
:param col_data_type: Engine column specific data.
:return: Dict
df = self.root
columns = {}
for k, v in col_data_type.items():
# Initialize values to 0
result_default = {
data_type: 0 for data_type in df.constants.OPTIMUS_TO_INTERNAL.keys()}
for k1, v1 in v.items():
for k2, v2 in df.constants.OPTIMUS_TO_INTERNAL.items():
if k1 in df.constants.OPTIMUS_TO_INTERNAL[k2]:
result_default[k2] = result_default[k2] + v1
columns[k] = result_default
return columns
[docs] def inferred_data_type(self, cols="*", use_internal=False, tidy=True):
Get the inferred data types from the meta data.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param use_internal: If no inferred data type is found, return a translated internal data type instead of None.
:param tidy: The result format. If 'True' it will return a value if you 'False' will return the column name a value.
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: Python Dictionary with column names and its data types.
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
result = df.cols.data_type(cols, names=True, tidy=False)["data_type"] if use_internal else {}
for col_name in cols:
data_type = Meta.get(df.meta, f"columns_data_types.{col_name}.data_type")
if data_type is None:
data_type = Meta.get(df.meta, f"profile.columns.{col_name}.stats.inferred_data_type.data_type")
if data_type is None:
data_type = result.get(col_name, None)
result.update({col_name: data_type})
result = {"inferred_data_type": result}
return format_dict(result, tidy)
[docs] def set_data_type(self, cols: Union[str, list, dict] = "*", data_types: Union[str, list] = None,
inferred: bool = False) -> 'DataFrameType':
Set profiler data type.
:param cols: A dict with the form {"col_name": profiler datatype}, a list of columns or a single column.
:param data_types: If a string or a list passed to cols, uses this parameter to set the data types to those columns.
:param inferred: Whether it was inferred or not.
:return: Dataframe with new data types in the meta data.
df = self.root
if is_list(cols) or is_str(cols):
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
data_types = val_to_list(data_types)
cols = {col: data_type for col, data_type in zip(cols, data_types)}
for col_name, element in cols.items():
props = element if is_dict(element) else {"data_type": element}
data_type = props["data_type"]
data_type = df.constants.INTERNAL_TO_OPTIMUS.get(data_type, data_type)
if data_type in ProfilerDataTypes.list():
if not inferred:
df.meta = Meta.set(
df.meta, f"columns_data_types.{col_name}", props)
df.meta = Meta.set(
df.meta, f"profile.columns.{col_name}.stats.inferred_data_type", props)
df.meta = Meta.action(
df.meta, Actions.INFERRED_DATA_TYPE.value, col_name)
RaiseIt.value_error(data_type, ProfilerDataTypes.list())
return df
# TODO: merge this function with set_data_type
[docs] def unset_data_type(self, cols="*"):
Unset user set data type.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
for col_name in cols:
props = Meta.get(df.meta, f"columns_data_types.{col_name}")
if props is not None:
df.meta = Meta.reset(df.meta, f"columns_data_types.{col_name}")
df.meta = Meta.action(
df.meta, Actions.INFERRED_DATA_TYPE.value, col_name)
return df
[docs] def cast(self, cols=None, data_type=None, output_cols=None, *args, **kwargs) -> 'DataFrameType':
NOTE: We have two ways to cast the data. Use the use the native .astype() this is faster but can not handle some
transformation like string to number in which should output nan.
Cast the elements inside a column or a list of columns to a specific data type.
Unlike 'cast' this not change the columns data type
:param cols: Columns names to be casted or, dictionary or list of tuples of column names
and types to be casted with the following structure:
cols = [('columnName1', 'integer'), ('columnName2', 'float'), ('columnName3', 'string')]
The first parameter in each tuple is the column name, the second is the final datatype of column after
the transformation is made.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:param data_type: final data type
:param args: passed to cast function (df.cols.to_integer(..., -1)).
:param kwargs: passed to cast function (df.cols.to_integer(..., default=-1)).
:return: Return the casted columns.
df = self.root
if is_str(cols) or is_list_of_str(cols):
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
elif is_dict(cols):
cols = list(cols.items())
if is_list_of_tuples(cols):
cols, data_type = unzip(cols)
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
data_type = prepare_columns_arguments(cols, data_type)
output_cols = get_output_cols(cols, output_cols)
func_map = {
"int": "to_integer",
"time": "to_datetime",
"date": "to_datetime",
"bool": "to_boolean",
"str": "to_string"
for input_col, output_col, _data_type in zip(cols, output_cols, data_type):
func_name = func_map.get(_data_type, f"to_{_data_type}")
func = getattr(df.cols, func_name, None)
if func:
df = func(input_col, output_cols=output_col, *args, **kwargs)
return df
[docs] @staticmethod
def astype(*args, **kwargs):
Alias from cast function for compatibility with the pandas API.
:param args:
:param kwargs:
[docs] def profile(self, cols="*", bins: int = MAX_BUCKETS, flush: bool = False) -> dict:
Returns the profile of selected columns.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param bins: Number of buckets.
:param flush: Flushes the cache of the whole profile to process it again.
:return: Returns the profile of selected columns.
# Uses profile on self instead of calculate_profile to get the data only when it's necessary
self.root.profile(cols=cols, bins=bins, flush=flush)
df = self.root
return df.profile.columns(cols)
[docs] def pattern(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, mode=0) -> 'DataFrameType':
Replace alphanumeric and punctuation chars for canned chars. We aim to help to find string patterns
c = Any alpha char in lower or upper case
l = Any alpha char in lower case
U = Any alpha char in upper case
* = Any alphanumeric in lower or upper case. Used only in type 2 nd 3
# = Any numeric
! = Any punctuation
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:param mode:
0: Identify lower, upper, digits. Except spaces and special chars.
1: Identify chars, digits. Except spaces and special chars
2: Identify Any alphanumeric. Except spaces and special chars
3: Identify alphanumeric and special chars. Except white spaces
df = self.root
columns = prepare_columns(df, cols, output_cols)
def split(word):
return [char for char in word]
alpha_lower = split(string.ascii_lowercase)
alpha_upper = split(string.ascii_uppercase)
digits = split(string.digits)
punctuation = split(string.punctuation)
if mode == 0:
search_by = alpha_lower + alpha_upper + digits
replace_by = ["l"] * len(alpha_lower) + ["U"] * \
len(alpha_upper) + ["#"] * len(digits)
elif mode == 1:
search_by = alpha_lower + alpha_upper + digits
replace_by = ["c"] * len(alpha_lower) + ["c"] * \
len(alpha_upper) + ["#"] * len(digits)
elif mode == 2:
search_by = alpha_lower + alpha_upper + digits
replace_by = ["*"] * len(alpha_lower + alpha_upper + digits)
elif mode == 3:
search_by = alpha_lower + alpha_upper + digits + punctuation
replace_by = ["*"] * \
len(alpha_lower + alpha_upper + digits + punctuation)
RaiseIt.value_error(mode, ["0", "1", "2", "3"])
kw_columns = {}
for input_col, output_col in columns:
kw_columns[output_col] =
search=search_by, replace_by=replace_by).data[input_col]
return df.cols.assign(kw_columns)
[docs] def assign(self, cols: Union[str, list, dict] = None, values=None, **kwargs):
Assign new columns to a Dataframe.
Returns a DataFrame with all original columns in addition to new ones.
Existing columns that are re-assigned will be overwritten.
:param cols: A dict with the form {"col_name": "value"}, a list of columns or a single column
:param values: When no dict is passed to 'cols', uses this parameter to get the values.
:param kwargs:
df = self.root
kw_columns = {}
if values is None and not is_list(cols) and cols is not None:
kw_columns = cols
elif values is not None:
if cols is None:
cols = "values"
cols = parse_columns(df, cols, accepts_missing_cols=True)
if (is_list(values) and len(values) != len(cols)) or not is_list(values):
values = [values] * len(cols)
kw_columns = {col: value for col, value in zip(cols, values)}
if len(kwargs):
if is_dict(kw_columns):
kw_columns = kwargs
if kw_columns.__class__ == df.__class__:
kw_columns = {name:[name] for name in kw_columns.cols.names()}
for key in kw_columns:
if kw_columns[key].__class__ == df.__class__:
name = kw_columns[key].cols.names()[0]
kw_columns[key] = kw_columns[key].cols.rename([(name, key)])
kw_columns[key] = kw_columns[key].data[key]
meta = Meta.action(df.meta, Actions.SET.value,
return, meta=meta)
# TODO: Consider implement lru_cache for caching
[docs] def calculate_pattern_counts(self, cols="*", n=10, mode=0, flush=False) -> 'DataFrameType':
Counts how many equal patterns there are in a column. Uses a cache to trigger the operation only if necessary.
Saves the result to meta and returns the same dataframe.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param n: Return the Top n matches.
:param mode: mode use to calculate the patterns.
:param flush: Flushes the cache to process again
df = self.root
result = {}
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
for input_col in cols:
column_modified_time = Meta.get(
df.meta, f"profile.columns.{input_col}.modified")
patterns_update_time = Meta.get(
df.meta, f"profile.columns.{input_col}.patterns.updated")
if column_modified_time is None:
column_modified_time = -1
if patterns_update_time is None:
patterns_update_time = 0
patterns_more = Meta.get(
df.meta, f"profile.columns.{input_col}.patterns.more")
if column_modified_time > patterns_update_time \
or patterns_update_time == 0 \
or flush is True \
or patterns_more:
# Plus n + 1 so we can could let the user know if there are more patterns
result[input_col] = \
df.cols.pattern(input_col, mode=mode).cols.frequency(input_col, n=n + 1)["frequency"][
if len(result[input_col]["values"]) > n:
result[input_col].update({"more": True})
# Remove extra element from list
df.meta = Meta.set(
df.meta, f"profile.columns.{input_col}.patterns", result[input_col])
df.meta = Meta.set(
df.meta, f"profile.columns.{input_col}.patterns.updated", time.time())
result[input_col] = Meta.get(
df.meta, f"profile.columns.{input_col}.patterns")
return df
[docs] def correlation(self, cols="*", method="pearson", compute=True, tidy=True):
Compute pairwise correlation of columns, excluding NA/null values.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param method:
Method of correlation:
pearson : standard correlation coefficient
kendall : Kendall Tau correlation coefficient
spearman : Spearman rank correlation
callable: callable with input two 1d ndarrays
and returning a float. Note that the returned matrix from corr will have 1 along the diagonals and will be
symmetric regardless of the callable’s behavior.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
df = self.root
dfd =
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
if df.op.engine in [Engine.DASK.value] and method != "pearson":
logger.warn(f"'method' argument does not support '{method}' "
f"on {EnginePretty.DASK.value}.\n"
f"Delayed {EnginePretty.PANDAS.value} version will be used")
def delayed_correlation(series, _method):
return series.corr(_method)
result = delayed_correlation(dfd[cols], method)
result = dfd[cols].corr(method)
def format_correlation(values):
values = values.to_dict()
if tidy and is_list(cols) and len(cols) == 2:
return values[cols[0]][cols[1]]
return values
result = format_correlation(result)
if compute:
result = self.F.compute(result)
return result
[docs] def cross_tab(self, col_x, col_y, output="dict", compute=True) -> dict:
:param col_x:
:param col_y:
:param output:
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
if output not in ["dict", "dataframe"]:
RaiseIt.value_error(output, ["dict", "dataframe"])
dfd =
result = self.F.delayed(self.F.crosstab)(dfd[col_x], dfd[col_y])
def format_crosstab(_r):
if output == "dict":
_r = _r.to_dict()
elif output == "dataframe":
_r.columns = map(lambda c: str(c), _r.columns)
_r = _r.reset_index()
return _r
result = format_crosstab(result)
# compute before assigning to a dataframe since it uses a pandas function
if compute or output == "dataframe":
result = self.F.compute(result)
if output == "dataframe":
result =
return result
[docs] def pattern_counts(self, cols="*", n=10, mode=0, flush=False) -> dict:
Get how many equal patterns there are in a column. Triggers the operation only if necessary.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param n: Top n matches
:param mode:
:param flush: Flushes the cache to process again
df = self.root
result = {}
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
calculate = flush
for input_col in cols:
patterns_values = Meta.get(
df.meta, f"profile.columns.{input_col}.patterns.values")
patterns_more = Meta.get(
df.meta, f"profile.columns.{input_col}.patterns.more")
if patterns_values is None or (len(patterns_values) < n and patterns_more):
calculate = True
column_modified_time = Meta.get(
df.meta, f"profile.columns.{input_col}.modified")
patterns_update_time = Meta.get(
df.meta, f"profile.columns.{input_col}.patterns.updated")
if column_modified_time is None:
column_modified_time = -1
if patterns_update_time is None:
patterns_update_time = 0
if column_modified_time > patterns_update_time or patterns_update_time == 0:
calculate = True
if calculate:
df = df.cols.calculate_pattern_counts(cols, n, mode, flush)
profile = Meta.get(df.meta, "profile")
self.meta = df.meta
for input_col in cols:
result[input_col] = Meta.get(
df.meta, f"profile.columns.{input_col}.patterns")
if len(result[input_col]["values"]) > n:
result[input_col].update({"more": True})
result[input_col]["values"] = result[input_col]["values"][0:n]
return result
[docs] def groupby(self, by, agg) -> 'DataFrameType':
This helper function aims to help managing columns name in the aggregation output.
Also how to handle ordering columns because dask can order columns.
:param by: Column name.
:param agg: List of tuples with the form [("agg", "col")]
df = self.root
compact = {}
agg_names = None
if is_dict(agg):
agg_names = list(agg.keys())
agg = list(agg.values())
agg = val_to_list(agg, convert_tuple=False)
for col_agg in agg:
if is_dict(col_agg):
col_agg = list(col_agg.items())[0][::-1]
_agg, _col = col_agg
compact.setdefault(_col, []).append(_agg)
# TODO cast to float on certain aggregations
df = df.cols.to_float(list(compact.keys()))
dfd =
dfd = dfd.groupby(by=by).agg(compact).reset_index()
agg_names = agg_names or [a[0] + "_" + a[1] for a in agg]
dfd.columns = (val_to_list(by) + agg_names)
dfd.columns = [str(c) for c in dfd.columns]
[docs] def move(self, column, position, ref_col=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Move a column to a specific position.
:param column: Column(s) to be moved
:param position: Column new position. Accepts 'after', 'before', 'beginning', 'end' or a numeric value, relative to 'ref_col'.
:param ref_col: Column taken as reference
:return: DataFrame
df = self.root
# Check that column is a string or a list
column = parse_columns(df, column)
# Get dataframe columns
all_columns = df.cols.names()
position_int = is_int_like(position)
position_index = int(position) if position_int else 0
# Get source and reference column index position
if ref_col or position_int:
# Check if is a relative position
if ref_col:
ref_col = parse_columns(df, ref_col)
new_index = all_columns.index(ref_col[0])
new_index = 0
new_index += position_index
old_index = all_columns.index(column[0])
# Check if the movement is from right to left:
left = -1 if new_index > old_index else 0
new_index = all_columns
if position == 'after':
new_index = new_index + 1 + left
elif position == 'before':
new_index = new_index + left
elif position == 'beginning':
new_index = 0
elif position == 'end':
new_index = len(all_columns)
elif position_int:
# Use the same new_index
position, ["after", "before", "beginning", "end"])
# Remove
new_columns = []
for col_name in column:
all_columns.index(col_name))) # delete
# Move the column to the new place
if new_index <= len(all_columns):
new_columns = new_columns[::-1]
for col_name in new_columns:
# insert and delete a element
all_columns.insert(new_index, col_name)
# new_index = new_index + 1
return df[all_columns]
[docs] def sort(self, order: Union[str, list] = "asc", cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Sort one or multiple columns in asc or desc order.
:param order: 'asc' or 'desc' accepted
:param cols:
:return: Column containing the cumulative sum.
df = self.root
if cols is None:
_reverse = None
if order == "asc":
_reverse = False
elif order == "desc":
_reverse = True
RaiseIt.value_error(order, ["asc", "desc"])
cols = df.cols.names()
cols.sort(key=lambda v: v.upper(), reverse=_reverse)
[docs] def data_type(self, cols="*", names=False, tidy=True) -> dict:
Return the column(s) data type as string.
:param cols: Columns to be processed
:param names: Returns aliases for every type instead of its internal name
:return: Return a dict of column and its respective data type.
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
data_types = {k: str(v) for k, v in dict(}
if names:
data_types = {k: _DICT.get(d, d) for k, d in data_types.items()}
return format_dict({"data_type": {col_name: data_types[col_name] for col_name in cols}}, tidy=tidy)
[docs] def schema_data_type(self, cols="*", tidy=True):
Return the column(s) data type as Type.
:param cols: Columns to be processed
:param tidy: The result format. If tidy it will return a value if you process a column or column name and value if not.
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
dfd =
result = {}
for col_name in cols:
result[col_name] = dfd[col_name]
return format_dict({"schema_data_type": result}, tidy=tidy)
[docs] def agg_exprs(self, cols="*", funcs=None, *args, compute=True, tidy=True, parallel=False):
Run a list of aggregation functions.
:param cols: Column over with to apply the aggregations functions.
:param funcs: List of aggregation functions.
:param args:
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: Compact the dict output.
:param parallel: Execute the function in every column or apply it over the whole dataframe.
:return: Return the calculates values from a list of aggregations functions.
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
if args is None:
args = []
elif not is_tuple(args, ):
args = (args,)
funcs = val_to_list(funcs)
for i, func in enumerate(funcs):
if is_str(func):
_func = getattr(df.functions, func, False)
if not _func:
raise NotImplementedError(f"\"{func}\" is not available using {type(df).__name__}")
func = _func
funcs[i] = func
if parallel:
all_funcs = [getattr(df[cols].data, func.__name__)()
for func in funcs]
agg_result = {func.__name__: self.exec_agg(all_funcs, compute=False) for func in funcs}
agg_result = {func.__name__: {col_name: self.exec_agg(func([col_name], *args), compute=False) for
col_name in cols} for func in funcs}
def compute_agg(values):
return convert_numpy(format_dict(values, tidy))
agg_result = compute_agg(agg_result)
if compute:
agg_result = self.F.compute(agg_result)
return agg_result
[docs] def exec_agg(self, exprs, compute=True):
Execute one or multiple aggregations functions.
:param exprs:
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
return self.format_agg(exprs)
[docs] def mad(self, cols="*", relative_error=RELATIVE_ERROR, more=False, estimate=True, tidy=True, compute=True):
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param relative_error:
:param more:
:param estimate:
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
df = self.root
return df.cols.agg_exprs(cols, self.F.mad, relative_error, more, estimate, compute=compute, tidy=tidy)
[docs] def min(self, cols="*", numeric=None, tidy: bool = True, compute: bool = True):
Return the minimum value over one or one each column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param numeric: if True, cast to numeric before processing.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you process a column or column name and
value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name.
and the value.
:param compute: C
df = self.root
if numeric is None:
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
types = df.cols.inferred_data_type(cols, use_internal=True, tidy=False)['inferred_data_type']
numeric = all([data_type in df.constants.NUMERIC_TYPES for data_type in types.values()])
return df.cols.agg_exprs(cols, self.F.min, numeric, compute=compute, tidy=tidy, parallel=False)
[docs] def max(self, cols="*", numeric=None, tidy: bool = True, compute: bool = True):
Return the maximum value over one or one each column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param numeric: if True, cast to numeric before processing.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you process a column or column name and
value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name.
:param compute: Compute the final result. False imply to return a delayed object.
df = self.root
if numeric is None:
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
types = df.cols.inferred_data_type(cols, use_internal=True, tidy=False)['inferred_data_type']
numeric = all([data_type in df.constants.NUMERIC_TYPES for data_type in types.values()])
return df.cols.agg_exprs(cols, self.F.max, numeric, compute=compute, tidy=tidy, parallel=False)
[docs] def mode(self, cols="*", tidy: bool = True, compute: bool = True):
Return the mode value over.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you process a column or column name and
value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name.
:param compute: Compute the final result. False imply to return a delayed object.
df = self.root
return df.cols.agg_exprs(cols, self.F.mode, compute=compute, tidy=tidy)
[docs] def range(self, cols="*", tidy: bool = True, compute: bool = True):
Return the minimum and maximum of the values over the requested columns.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you process a column or column name and
value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name.
:param compute: Compute the final result. False imply to return a delayed object.
df = self.root
return df.cols.agg_exprs(cols, self.F.range, compute=compute, tidy=tidy)
[docs] def percentile(self, cols="*", values=None, relative_error=RELATIVE_ERROR, estimate=True, tidy=True, compute=True):
Return values at the given percentile over requested column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param values: Percentiles values you want to calculate. 0.25,0.5,0.75
:param relative_error:
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you process a column or column name and
value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name.
:param compute: Compute the final result. False imply to return a delayed object.
:return: Return values at the given percentile over requested column.
df = self.root
if values is None:
values = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]
return df.cols.agg_exprs(cols, self.F.percentile, values, relative_error, estimate, tidy=tidy, compute=True)
# TODO: implement double MAD
[docs] def kurtosis(self, cols="*", tidy=True, compute=True):
Returns the kurtosis of the values over the requested columns.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you process a column or column name and
value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name.
:param compute: Compute the final result. False imply to return a delayed object.
:return: Returns the kurtosis of the values over the requested columns.
df = self.root
return df.cols.agg_exprs(cols, self.F.kurtosis, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def skew(self, cols="*", tidy=True, compute=True):
Return the skew of the values over the requested columns.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you process a column or column name and
value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name.
:param compute: Compute the final result. False imply to return a delayed object.
:return: Return the skew of the values over the requested columns.
df = self.root
return df.cols.agg_exprs(cols, self.F.skew, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def mean(self, cols="*", tidy=True, compute=True):
Return the mean of the values over the requested columns.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you process a column or column name and
value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name.
:param compute: Compute the final result. False imply to return a delayed object.
:return: Column containing the cumulative sum.
df = self.root
return df.cols.agg_exprs(cols, self.F.mean, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def sum(self, cols="*", tidy=True, compute=True):
Return the sum of the values over the requested column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you process a column or column name and
value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name.
:param compute: Compute the final result. False imply to return a delayed object.
:return: Column containing the sum of multiple columns.
df = self.root
return df.cols.agg_exprs(cols, self.F.sum, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def cumsum(self, cols="*", output_cols=None):
Return cumulative sum over a DataFrame or column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the cumulative sum.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.cumsum, func_return_type=str, output_cols=output_cols,
meta_action=Actions.CUM_SUM.value, mode="vectorized", func_type="vectorized")
[docs] def cumprod(self, cols="*", output_cols=None):
Return cumulative product over a DataFrame or column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the cumulative product.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.cumprod, func_return_type=str, output_cols=output_cols,
meta_action=Actions.CUM_PROD.value, mode="vectorized", func_type="vectorized")
[docs] def cummax(self, cols="*", output_cols=None):
Return cumulative maximum over a DataFrame or column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the cumulative maximum.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.cummax, func_return_type=str, output_cols=output_cols,
meta_action=Actions.CUM_MAX.value, mode="vectorized", func_type="vectorized")
[docs] def cummin(self, cols="*", output_cols=None):
Return cumulative minimum over a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the cumulative minimum.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.cummin, func_return_type=str, output_cols=output_cols,
meta_action=Actions.CUM_MIN.value, mode="vectorized", func_type="vectorized")
[docs] def var(self, cols="*", tidy=True, compute=True):
Return unbiased variance over requested columns.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param tidy: The result format. If tidy it will return a value if you process a column or column name and value if not.
:param compute: Compute the final result. False imply to return a delayed object.
df = self.root
return df.cols.agg_exprs(cols, self.F.var, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def std(self, cols="*", tidy=True, compute=True):
Return unbiased variance over requested columns.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param tidy: The result format. If tidy it will return a value if you process a column or column name and value if not.
:param compute: Compute the final result. False imply to return a delayed object.
df = self.root
return df.cols.agg_exprs(cols, self.F.std, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def item(self, cols="*", n=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return items from a list over requested columns.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param n: The position of the element that will be returned.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the value of the item selected.
def func(value, keys):
return value.str[keys]
return self.apply(cols, func, args=(n,), output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.ITEM.value,
[docs] def get(self, cols="*", keys=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return items from a dict over requested columns.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param keys: The value of the dict key that will be returned.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the value of the key selected.
def func(value, _keys):
return glom(value, _keys, skip_exc=KeyError)
return self.apply(cols, func, args=(keys,), output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.GET.value,
# Math Operations
[docs] def abs(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the absolute numeric value of each value in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the absolute value of each element.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.abs, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.ABS.value,
[docs] def exp(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return Euler's number, e (~2.718) raised to the power of each value in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the absolute value of each element.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.exp, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def mod(self, cols="*", divisor=2, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the Modulo of each value in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param divisor:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing Molulo of each element.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.mod, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
mode="vectorized", args=divisor)
[docs] def log(self, cols="*", base=10, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the logarithm base 10 of each value in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param base:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the logarithm base 10 of each element.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.log, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
mode="vectorized", args=base)
[docs] def ln(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the natural logarithm of each value in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the natural logarithm of each element.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.ln, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def pow(self, cols="*", power=2, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the power of each value in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param power:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the power of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.pow, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
mode="vectorized", args=power)
[docs] def sqrt(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the square root of each value in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the square root of each element.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.sqrt, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def reciprocal(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the reciprocal(1/x) of of each value in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the reciprocal of each element.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.reciprocal, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
# TODO: ?
def _round(self, cols="*", mode=True, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
df = self.root
if is_int(mode):
df = df.cols.round(cols, decimals=mode, output_cols=output_cols)
modes = {
"floor": "floor",
"down": "floor",
"ceil": "ceil",
"up": "ceil",
"round": "round",
True: "round"
if not mode in modes:
RaiseIt.value_error(mode, list(modes.keys()))
df = getattr(df.cols, modes[mode])(cols, output_cols=output_cols)
return df
[docs] def round(self, cols="*", decimals=0, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Round a DataFrame to a variable number of decimal places.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param decimals: The number of decimals you want to
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the round of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.round, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
mode="vectorized", args=decimals)
[docs] def floor(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Round each number in a column down to the nearest integer.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the floor of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.floor, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def ceil(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Round each number in a column up to the nearest integer.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the ceil of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.ceil, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
# Trigonometric
[docs] def sin(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply sine function to a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the sine of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.sin, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def cos(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply cosine function to a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the cosine of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.cos, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def tan(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply the tangent function to a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the tangent of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.tan, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def asin(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply the arcsine function to a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the arcsine of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.asin, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def acos(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply arccosine function to a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the arccosine of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.acos, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def atan(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply the arctangent function to a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the arctangent of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.atan, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def sinh(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply the hyperbolic sine function to a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the arctangent of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.sinh, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def cosh(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply the hyperbolic cosine function to a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the hyperbolic cosine of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.cosh, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def tanh(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply the hyperbolic tangent function to a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the hyperbolic tangent of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.tanh, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def asinh(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply the arcus hyperbolic sine function to a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the arcus hyperbolic sin of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.asinh, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def acosh(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply the arcus hyperbolic cosine function to a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the arcus hyperbolic cosine of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.acosh, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def atanh(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply the arcus hyperbolic tangent function to a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column containing the arcus hyperbolic tangent of each element.
df = self.root
return df.cols.apply(cols, self.F.atanh, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MATH.value,
[docs] def extract(self, cols="*", regex=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Extract a string that match a regular expression.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param regex: Regular expression
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.extract, args=(regex,), func_return_type=str,
output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.EXTRACT.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def slice(self, cols="*", start=None, stop=None, step=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Slice substrings from each element in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param start: Start position for slice operation.
:param stop: Stop position for slice operation.
:param step: Step size for slice operation.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
def _slice(value, _start, _stop, _step):
return self.F.slice(value, _start, _stop, _step)
return self.apply(cols, _slice, args=(start, stop, step), func_return_type=str,
output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.SLICE.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def left(self, cols="*", n=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Get the substring from the first character to the nth from right to left.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param n: Number of character to get starting from 0.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
df = self.apply(cols, self.F.left, args=(n,), func_return_type=str,
output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.LEFT.value, mode="vectorized")
return df
[docs] def right(self, cols="*", n=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Get the substring from the last character to n.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param n:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
df = self.apply(cols, self.F.right, args=(n,), func_return_type=str,
output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.RIGHT.value, mode="vectorized")
return df
[docs] def mid(self, cols="*", start=0, n=1, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Get the substring from
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param start:
:param n:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
df = self.apply(cols, self.F.mid, args=(start, n), func_return_type=str,
output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.MID.value, mode="vectorized")
return df
[docs] def to_float(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Cast the elements inside a column or a list of columns to float.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.to_float, func_return_type=float,
output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.TO_FLOAT.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def to_integer(self, cols="*", default=0, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Cast the elements inside a column or a list of columns to integer.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param default:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.to_integer, args=(default,), func_return_type=int,
output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.TO_INTEGER.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def to_boolean(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Cast the elements inside a column or a list of columns to boolean.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols:
return self.apply(cols, self.F.to_boolean, func_return_type=int,
output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.TO_BOOLEAN.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def to_string(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Cast the elements inside a column or a list of columns to string.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols:
return self.apply(cols, self.F.to_string, func_return_type=str, output_cols=output_cols,
meta_action=Actions.TO_STRING.value, mode="vectorized", func_type="column_expr")
[docs] def infer_data_types(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols:
dtypes = self.root[cols].cols.data_type(tidy=False)
return self.apply(cols, self.F.infer_data_types, args=(dtypes,), func_return_type=str,
meta_action=Actions.INFER.value, mode="map", func_type="column_expr")
[docs] def lower(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Lowercase the specified columns.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: BaseDataFrame
return self.apply(cols, self.F.lower, func_return_type=str, output_cols=output_cols,
meta_action=Actions.LOWER.value, mode="vectorized", func_type="column_expr")
[docs] def upper(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Uppercase the specified columns.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: BaseDataFrame
return self.apply(cols, self.F.upper, func_return_type=str, output_cols=output_cols,
meta_action=Actions.UPPER.value, mode="vectorized", func_type="vectorized")
[docs] def title(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Capitalize the first word in a sentence.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: BaseDataFrame
return self.apply(cols, self.F.title, func_return_type=str,
output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.PROPER.value, mode="vectorized",
[docs] def capitalize(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Capitalize every word in a sentence.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.capitalize, func_return_type=str,
output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.PROPER.value, mode="vectorized",
# def url_decode(self):
# from urllib.parse import unquote
# def title_parse(title):
# title = unquote(title)
# return title
# # "apply" from pandas method will help to all the decode text in the csv
# df['title'] = df.title.apply(title_parse)
[docs] def pad(self, cols="*", width=0, fill_char="0", side="left", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Fill a string to match the given string length.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param width: Total length of the string.
:param fill_char: The char that will be used to fill the string.
:param side: Fill the left or the right side.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.pad, args=(width, side, fill_char,), func_return_type=str,
meta_action=Actions.PAD.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def trim(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Remove leading and trailing characters.
Strip whitespaces (including newlines) or a set of specified characters from each string in the column from left and right sides.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.trim, func_return_type=str,
output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.TRIM.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def strip_html(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Remove HTML tags.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.strip_html, func_return_type=str,
output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.TRIM.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def word_tokenize(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.word_tokenize, func_return_type=object, output_cols=output_cols,
meta_action=Actions.WORD_TOKENIZE.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def word_count(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Count the number of words in a paragraph.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.word_count, func_return_type=str, output_cols=output_cols,
meta_action=Actions.LENGTH.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def len(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the length of every string in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.len, func_return_type=str, output_cols=output_cols,
meta_action=Actions.LENGTH.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def expand_contracted_words(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Expand contracted words.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
search, replace_by = zip(*CONTRACTIONS)
df = self.replace(cols, search, replace_by, search_by="words", ignore_case=True, output_cols=output_cols)
return df
[docs] @staticmethod
def reverse(cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Reverse the order of the characters strings in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
# TODO: It's not the same that replace?
[docs] def remove(self, cols="*", search=None, search_by="chars", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Remove values from a string in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param search:
:param search_by: Search by 'chars',
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.:param search:
return self.replace(cols=cols, search=search, replace_by="", search_by=search_by,
[docs] def normalize_chars(self, cols="*", output_cols=None):
Remove diacritics from a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.normalize_chars, func_return_type=str,
output_cols=output_cols, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def remove_numbers(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Remove numbers from a string in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.remove_numbers, func_return_type=str,
output_cols=output_cols, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def remove_white_spaces(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Remove all white spaces from string in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.remove_white_spaces, func_return_type=str,
output_cols=output_cols, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def remove_stopwords(self, cols="*", language="english", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Remove extra whitespace between words and trim whitespace from the beginning and the end of each string.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param language: specify the stopwords language
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
stop = stopwords.words(language)
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
output_cols = get_output_cols(cols, output_cols)
return df.cols.lower(cols, output_cols).cols.replace(output_cols, stop, "", "words").cols.normalize_spaces(
[docs] def remove_urls(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Remove urls from the one or more columns.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.remove_urls, func_return_type=str,
output_cols=output_cols, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def normalize_spaces(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Remove extra whitespace between words and trim whitespace from the beginning and the end of each string.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.normalize_spaces, func_return_type=str,
output_cols=output_cols, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def remove_special_chars(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Remove special chars from a string in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
df = self.root
return df.cols.replace(cols, [s for s in string.punctuation], "", "chars", output_cols=output_cols)
[docs] def to_datetime(self, cols="*", format=None, output_cols=None, transform_format=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param format:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:param transform_format:
format = transform_date_format(format) if transform_format and format else format
return self.apply(cols, self.F.to_datetime, func_return_type=str,
output_cols=output_cols, args=format, mode="partitioned")
def _date_format(self, cols="*", format=None, output_cols=None, func=None, meta_action=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Get the year, month, day... of a date.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param format: Input format / formats
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:param func: Unit function like F.year or F.month
:param meta_action: Metadata action to be applied
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
# TODO: col is not used, format can be undefined
if format is None:
format = df.cols.date_format(cols, tidy=False)["date_format"]
formats = [format[col] for col in cols]
formats = format
formats = prepare_columns_arguments(cols, formats)
for col, col_format in zip(cols, formats):
df = df.cols.apply(col, func, args=col_format, output_cols=output_cols,
meta_action=meta_action, mode="vectorized", set_index=True)
return df
[docs] def year(self, cols="*", format: str = None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Get the Year from a date in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param format: String format
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self._date_format(cols, format, output_cols, self.F.year, meta_action=Actions.YEAR.value)
[docs] def month(self, cols="*", format: str = None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Get the month from a date in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param format: String format
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self._date_format(cols, format, output_cols, self.F.month, meta_action=Actions.MONTH.value)
[docs] def day(self, cols="*", format: str = None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Get the day from a date in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param format: String format
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self._date_format(cols, format, output_cols,, meta_action=Actions.DAY.value)
[docs] def hour(self, cols="*", format: str = None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Get the hour from a date in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param format: String format
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self._date_format(cols, format, output_cols, self.F.hour, meta_action=Actions.HOUR.value)
[docs] def minute(self, cols="*", format: str = None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Get the minutes from a date in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param format: String format
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self._date_format(cols, format, output_cols, self.F.minute, meta_action=Actions.MINUTE.value)
[docs] def second(self, cols="*", format: str = None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Get the seconds from a date in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param format:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self._date_format(cols, format, output_cols, self.F.second, meta_action=Actions.SECOND.value)
[docs] def weekday(self, cols="*", format: str = None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Get the hour from a date in a column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param format:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self._date_format(cols, format, output_cols, self.F.weekday, meta_action=Actions.WEEKDAY.value)
[docs] def time_between(self, cols="*", value=None, date_format=None, round=None, output_cols=None,
func=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Returns a TimeDelta of the units between two datetimes.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param value:
:param date_format:
:param round:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:param func: Custom function to pass to the apply, like self.F.days_between
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
col_names = df.cols.names()
move_after = None
if is_list(cols) and len(cols) == 2 and value is None:
if output_cols is None:
output_cols = "_".join(cols)
move_after = cols
value = [[cols[1]]]
cols = [cols[0]]
elif is_str(value) and value in col_names:
value = [[value]]
elif is_list_of_str(value):
value = [[v] if v in col_names else v for v in value]
value = [value]
output_cols = get_output_cols(cols, output_cols)
value = prepare_columns_arguments(cols, value)
date_format = prepare_columns_arguments(cols, date_format)
if func is None:
func = self.F.time_between
for col_name, v, _date_format, output_col in zip(cols, value, date_format, output_cols):
if _date_format is None:
_date_format = Meta.get(df.meta, f"profile.columns.{col_name}.stats.inferred_data_type.format")
if _date_format is None:
logger.warn(f"date format for column '{col_name}' could not be found, using 'None' instead")
df = df.cols.apply(col_name, func, args=[v, _date_format], func_return_type=str, output_cols=output_col,
meta_action=Actions.YEARS_BETWEEN.value, mode="vectorized", set_index=True)
if move_after:
df = df.cols.move(output_col, "after", move_after)
if round:
df = df.cols._round(output_cols, round)
return df
[docs] def years_between(self, cols="*", value=None, date_format=None, round=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the number of years between two dates.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param value:
:param date_format:
:param round:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.time_between(cols=cols, func=self.F.years_between, value=value, date_format=date_format,
[docs] def months_between(self, cols="*", value=None, date_format=None, round=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the number of months between two dates.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param value:
:param date_format:
:param round:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.time_between(cols=cols, func=self.F.months_between, value=value, date_format=date_format,
[docs] def days_between(self, cols="*", value=None, date_format=None, round=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the number of days between two dates.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param value:
:param date_format:
:param round:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.time_between(cols=cols, func=self.F.days_between, value=value, date_format=date_format, round=round,
[docs] def hours_between(self, cols="*", value=None, date_format=None, round=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the number of hours between two dates.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param value:
:param date_format:
:param round:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.time_between(cols=cols, func=self.F.hours_between, value=value, date_format=date_format,
[docs] def minutes_between(self, cols="*", value=None, date_format=None, round=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the number of minutes between two dates.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param value:
:param date_format:
:param round:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.time_between(cols=cols, func=self.F.minutes_between, value=value, date_format=date_format,
round=round, output_cols=output_cols)
[docs] def seconds_between(self, cols="*", value=None, date_format=None, round=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the number of seconds between two dates.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param value:
:param date_format:
:param round:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.time_between(cols=cols, func=self.F.seconds_between, value=value, date_format=date_format,
round=round, output_cols=output_cols)
[docs] def replace(self, cols="*", search=None, replace_by=None, search_by=None, ignore_case=False,
output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Replace a value, list of values by a specified string.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param search: Values to look at to be replaced
:param replace_by: New value to replace the old one. Supports an array when searching by characters.
:param search_by: Can be "full","words","chars" or "values".
:param ignore_case: Ignore case when searching for match
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: DataFrame
df = self.root
if isinstance(cols, Clusters):
cols = cols.to_dict()
if is_dict(cols):
search_by = search_by or "full"
for col, replace in cols.items():
_replace_by, _search = zip(*replace.items())
df = df.cols._replace_regex(col, _search, _replace_by, search_by=search_by)
search_by = search_by or "chars"
if is_list_of_tuples(search) and replace_by is None:
search, replace_by = zip(*search)
search = val_to_list(search, convert_tuple=True)
df = df.cols._replace(cols, search, replace_by, search_by, ignore_case, output_cols)
return df
def _replace(self, cols="*", search=None, replace_by=None, search_by="chars", ignore_case=False,
output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Replace a value, list of values by a specified string.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param search: Values to look at to be replaced
:param replace_by: New value to replace the old one. Supports an array when searching by characters.
:param search_by: Can be "full","words","chars" or "values".
:param ignore_case: Ignore case when searching for match
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: DataFrame
search = val_to_list(search, convert_tuple=True)
replace_by = one_list_to_val(replace_by, convert_tuple=True)
if search_by == "full" and (not is_list_of_str(search) or not is_list_of_str(replace_by)):
search_by = "values"
if search_by == "chars":
func = self.F.replace_chars
func_return_type = str
elif search_by == "words":
func = self.F.replace_words
func_return_type = str
elif search_by == "full":
func = self.F.replace_full
func_return_type = str
elif search_by == "values":
func = self.F.replace_values
func_return_type = None
search_by, ["chars", "words", "full", "values"])
return self.apply(cols, func, args=(search, replace_by, ignore_case), func_return_type=func_return_type,
output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.REPLACE.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def replace_regex(self, cols="*", search=None, replace_by=None, search_by=None, ignore_case=False,
output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Replace a value, list of values by a specified regex.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param search: Values to look at to be replaced
:param replace_by: New value to replace the old one. Supports an array when searching by characters.
:param search_by: Can be "full","words","chars" or "values".
:param ignore_case: Ignore case when searching for match
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
df = self.root
columns = prepare_columns(df, cols, output_cols)
if is_dict(cols):
search_by = search_by or "full"
for col, replace in columns.items():
_replace_by, _search = zip(*replace.items())
df = self._replace_regex(col, _search, _replace_by, search_by=search_by)
search_by = search_by or "chars"
if is_list_of_tuples(search) and replace_by is None:
search, replace_by = zip(*search)
search = val_to_list(search, convert_tuple=True)
df = self._replace_regex(cols, search, replace_by, search_by, ignore_case, output_cols)
return df
def _replace_regex(self, cols="*", search=None, replace_by=None, search_by="chars", ignore_case=False,
output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Replace a value, list of values by a specified regex.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param search: Regex values to look at to be replaced
:param replace_by: New value to replace the old one. Supports an array when searching by characters.
:param search_by: Can be "full","words","chars" or "values".
:param ignore_case: Ignore case when searching for match
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
search = val_to_list(search, convert_tuple=True)
replace_by = one_list_to_val(replace_by, convert_tuple=True)
if search_by == "chars":
func = self.F.replace_regex_chars
func_return_type = str
elif search_by == "words":
func = self.F.replace_regex_words
func_return_type = str
elif search_by in ["values", "full"]:
func = self.F.replace_regex_full
func_return_type = None
search_by, ["chars", "words", "full", "values"])
return self.apply(cols, func, args=(search, replace_by, ignore_case), func_return_type=func_return_type,
output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.REPLACE.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def num_to_words(self, cols="*", language="en", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Convert numbers to its string representation.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param language:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Column with number converted to its string representation.
w_tokenizer = nltk.tokenize.WhitespaceTokenizer()
def _num_to_words(text):
if not is_list_value(text):
text = w_tokenizer.tokenize(text)
result = " ".join(
[num2words(w, lang=language) if str_to_int(w) else w for w in text])
result = [num2words(w, lang=language)
if str_to_int(w) else w for w in text]
return result
return self.apply(cols, _num_to_words, output_cols=output_cols, mode="map")
[docs] def lemmatize_verbs(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Finding the lemma of a word depending on its meaning and context.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.lemmatize_verbs, output_cols=output_cols, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def stem_verbs(self, cols="*", stemmer: str = "porter", language: str = "english",
output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param stemmer: snowball, porter, lancaster
:param language:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
w_tokenizer = nltk.tokenize.WhitespaceTokenizer()
if stemmer == "snowball":
stemming = SnowballStemmer(language)
elif stemmer == "porter":
stemming = PorterStemmer()
elif stemmer == "lancaster":
stemming = LancasterStemmer()
def stemmer_text(text):
return " ".join([stemming.stem(w) for w in w_tokenizer.tokenize(text)])
return self.apply(cols, stemmer_text, output_cols=output_cols, mode="map")
[docs] def impute(self, cols="*", data_type="auto", strategy="auto", fill_value=None, output_cols=None):
Fill null values using a constant or any of the strategy available.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param data_type:
- If "auto", detect if it's continuous or categorical using the data
type of the column.
- If "continuous", sets the data as continuous and if no 'strategy' is
passed then the mean is used.
- If "categorical", sets the data as categorical and if no 'strategy'
is passed then the most frequent value is used.
:param strategy:
- If "auto", automatically selects a strategy depending on the data
type passed or inferred on 'data_type'.
- If "mean", then replace missing values using the mean along
each column. Can only be used with numeric data.
- If "median", then replace missing values using the median along
each column. Can only be used with numeric data.
- If "most_frequent", then replace missing using the most frequent
value along each column. Can be used with strings or numeric data.
- If "constant", then replace missing values with fill_value. Can be
used with strings or numeric data.
:param fill_value: constant to be used to fill null values
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Return the Column filled with the imputed values.
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
if strategy == "auto":
if data_type == "auto" and fill_value is None:
types = df.cols.inferred_data_type(cols, use_internal=True, tidy=False)["inferred_data_type"]
strategy = ["mean" if dt in df.constants.NUMERIC_INTERNAL_TYPES else "most_frequent" for dt in
elif data_type == "auto" and fill_value is not None:
strategy = "constant"
elif data_type == "categorical":
strategy = "most_frequent"
elif data_type == "continuous":
strategy = "mean"
strategy, fill_value = prepare_columns_arguments(cols, strategy, fill_value)
output_cols = get_output_cols(cols, output_cols)
for col_name, output_col, _strategy, _fill_vale in zip(cols, output_cols, strategy, fill_value):
if _strategy != "most_frequent" and (_strategy != "constant" or data_type == "numeric"):
df = df.cols.to_float(col_name)
df = df.cols.apply(col_name, self.F.impute, output_cols=output_col, args=(_strategy, _fill_vale),
meta_action=Actions.IMPUTE.value, mode="vectorized")
return df
[docs] def fill_na(self, cols="*", value=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Replace null data with a specified value.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param value: value to replace the nan/None values
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Returns the column filled with given value.
df = self.root
columns = prepare_columns(df, cols, output_cols)
kw_columns = {}
for input_col, output_col in columns:
kw_columns[output_col] =[input_col].fillna(value)
kw_columns[output_col] = kw_columns[output_col].mask(
kw_columns[output_col] == "", value)
return df.cols.assign(kw_columns)
[docs] def count(self) -> int:
Returns the number of columns in the dataframe.
:return: Returns the number of columns in the dataframe.
df = self.root
return len(df.cols.names())
[docs] def unique_values(self, cols="*", estimate=False, compute=True, tidy=True) -> list:
Return a list of uniques values in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param estimate:
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
df = self.root
if df.op.engine != Engine.SPARK.value and estimate is not False:
logger.warn(f"'estimate' argument is only supported on {EnginePretty.SPARK.value}")
return df.cols.agg_exprs(cols, self.F.unique_values, estimate, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_uniques(self, cols="*", estimate=False, compute=True, tidy=True) -> int:
Count the number of uniques values in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param estimate:
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
df = self.root
if df.op.engine != Engine.SPARK.value and estimate is not False:
logger.warn(f"'estimate' argument is only supported on {EnginePretty.SPARK.value}")
return df.cols.agg_exprs(cols, self.F.count_uniques, estimate, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def _math(self, cols="*", value=None, operator=None, output_cols=None, output_col=None, name="",
cast=False) -> 'DataFrameType':
Helper to process arithmetic operation between columns.
:param cols: Columns to be used to make the calculation
:param operator: A lambda function
df = self.root
parsed_cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
if is_numeric_like(value):
value = float(value)
if value is None:
if not output_col:
output_col = name + "_" + "_".join(cols)
if cast:
expr = reduce(operator, [df[col_name].cols.to_float() for col_name in parsed_cols])
expr = reduce(operator, [df[col_name] for col_name in parsed_cols])
return df.cols.assign({output_col: expr})
output_cols = get_output_cols(cols, output_cols)
cols = {}
for input_col, output_col in zip(parsed_cols, output_cols):
if cast:
cols.update({output_col: operator(df[input_col].cols.to_float(), value)})
cols.update({output_col: operator(df[input_col], value)})
return df.cols.assign(cols)
[docs] def add(self, cols="*", output_col=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply a plus operation to two or more columns.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param output_col: Single output column in case no value is passed.
:return: Dataframe with the result of the arithmetic operation appended.
return self._math(cols=cols, operator=lambda x, y: x + y, output_col=output_col, name="add")
[docs] def sub(self, cols="*", output_col=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Subtract two or more columns.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name
:param output_col: Single output column in case no value is passed
:return: Dataframe with the result of the arithmetic operation appended.
return self._math(cols=cols, operator=lambda x, y: x - y, output_col=output_col, name="sub", cast=True)
[docs] def mul(self, cols="*", output_col=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Multiply two or more columns.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name
:param output_col: Single output column in case no value is passed
:return: Dataframe with the result of the arithmetic operation appended.
return self._math(cols=cols, operator=lambda x, y: x * y, output_col=output_col, name="mul", cast=True)
[docs] def div(self, cols="*", output_col=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Divide two or more columns.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name
:param output_col: Single output column in case no value is passed
:return: Dataframe with the result of the arithmetic operation appended.
return self._math(cols=cols, operator=lambda x, y: x / y, output_col=output_col, name="div", cast=True)
[docs] def rdiv(self, cols="*", output_col=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Divide two or more columns.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name
:param output_col: Single output column in case no value is passed
:return: Dataframe with the result of the arithmetic operation appended.
return self._math(cols=cols, operator=lambda x, y: y / x, output_col=output_col, name="rdiv", cast=True)
[docs] def z_score(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Returns the z-score of the given columns.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Dataframe with the z-score of the given columns appended.
return self.root.cols.apply(cols, func=self.F.z_score, func_return_type=float, output_cols=output_cols,
meta_action=Actions.Z_SCORE.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def modified_z_score(self, cols="*", estimate=True, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Returns the modified z-score of the given columns.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name
:param estimate:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:return: Returns the modified z-score of the given columns.
return self.root.cols.apply(cols, func=self.F.modified_z_score, args=(estimate,), func_return_type=float,
output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.Z_SCORE.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def standard_scaler(self, cols="*", output_cols=None):
Standardize features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.root.cols.apply(cols, func=self.F.standard_scaler, output_cols=output_cols,
[docs] def max_abs_scaler(self, cols="*", output_cols=None):
Scale each feature by its maximum absolute value.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.root.cols.apply(cols, func=self.F.max_abs_scaler, output_cols=output_cols,
[docs] def min_max_scaler(self, cols="*", output_cols=None):
Transform features by scaling each feature to a given range.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.root.cols.apply(cols, func=self.F.min_max_scaler, output_cols=output_cols,
[docs] def iqr(self, cols="*", more=None, relative_error=RELATIVE_ERROR, estimate=True):
Return the column Inter Quartile Range value.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param more: Return info about q1 and q3
:param relative_error:
:return: Return the column Inter Quartile Range value.
df = self.root
iqr_result = {}
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
quartile = df.cols.percentile(cols, [0.25, 0.5, 0.75], relative_error=relative_error,
estimate=estimate, tidy=False)["percentile"]
for col_name in cols:
if is_null(quartile[col_name]):
iqr_result[col_name] = np.nan
q1 = quartile[col_name][0.25]
q2 = quartile[col_name][0.5]
q3 = quartile[col_name][0.75]
iqr_value = q3 - q1
if more:
result = {"iqr": iqr_value, "q1": q1, "q2": q2, "q3": q3}
result = iqr_value
iqr_result[col_name] = result
return format_dict({"irq": iqr_result})
[docs] @staticmethod
def nest(cols, separator="", output_col=None, drop=True, shape="string") -> 'DataFrameType':
Concatenate two or more columns into one.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name
:param separator:
:param output_col: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
:param drop:
:param shape:
:return: Columns with all the specified columns concatenated.
def _unnest(self, dfd, input_col, final_columns, separator, splits, mode, output_cols) -> 'InternalDataFrameType':
if separator is not None:
separator = re.escape(separator)
if mode == "string":
dfd_new = dfd[input_col].astype(str).str.split(
separator, expand=True, n=splits - 1)
elif mode == "array":
if is_dask_dataframe(dfd):
def func(value):
pdf = value.apply(pd.Series)
pdf.columns = final_columns
return pdf
dfd_new = dfd[input_col].map_partitions(
func, meta={c: object for c in final_columns})
dfd_new = dfd[input_col].apply(pd.Series)
RaiseIt.value_error(mode, ["string", "array"])
return dfd_new
[docs] def unnest(self, cols="*", separator=None, splits=2, index=None, output_cols=None, drop=False,
mode="string") -> 'DataFrameType':
Split the columns values (array or string) in different columns.
:param cols: Columns to be un-nested
:param output_cols: Resulted on or multiple columns after the unnest operation [(output_col_1_1,output_col_1_2),
(output_col_2_1, output_col_2]
:param separator: char or regex
:param splits: Number of columns splits.
:param index: Return a specific index per columns. [1,2]
:param drop:
:param mode:
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
index = val_to_list(index)
output_ordered_columns = df.cols.names()
dfd =
for idx, input_col in enumerate(cols):
if is_list_of_tuples(index):
final_index = index[idx]
final_index = index
if output_cols is None:
final_columns = [input_col + "_" +
str(i) for i in range(splits)]
elif is_list_of_tuples(output_cols):
final_columns = output_cols[idx]
elif is_list_value(output_cols):
final_columns = output_cols
final_columns = [output_cols + "_" +
str(i) for i in range(splits)]
dfd_new = self._unnest(
dfd, input_col, final_columns, separator, splits, mode, output_cols)
# If columns split is shorter than the number of splits
new_columns = list(dfd_new.columns)
if len(final_columns) < len(new_columns):
dfd_new = dfd_new.drop(
new_columns = list(dfd_new.columns)
# TODO: Seem to be a copy of the dataframe here df and df_new ?
dfd_new.columns = final_columns[:len(new_columns)]
df_new =
if final_index:
df_new =[idx])
df = df.cols.append([df_new])
df.meta = Meta.action(df.meta, Actions.UNNEST.value, final_columns)
df = df.cols.move(df_new.cols.names(), "after", cols)
if drop is True:
if output_cols is not None:
columns = [col for col in cols if col not in output_cols]
columns = cols
df = df.cols.drop(columns)
return df
[docs] def heatmap(self, col_x, col_y, bins_x=10, bins_y=10, compute=True) -> dict:
:param col_x:
:param col_y:
:param bins_x:
:param bins_y:
:param compute:
dfd =
def format_heatmap(data):
heatmap, xedges, yedges = data
extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1]]
return {"x": {"name": col_x, "edges": extent[0:2]}, "y": {"name": col_y, "edges": extent[2:4]},
"values": heatmap.T.tolist()}
heatmap_df = self.F.to_float(dfd[col_x]).rename('x').to_frame()
heatmap_df['y'] = self.F.to_float(dfd[col_y])
heatmap_df = heatmap_df.dropna()
result = self.F.delayed(self.F.heatmap)(heatmap_df, (bins_x, bins_y))
result = format_heatmap(result)
if compute:
result = self.F.compute(result)
return result
[docs] def hist(self, cols="*", buckets=MAX_BUCKETS, compute=True) -> dict:
Return the histogram representation of the distribution of the data.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param buckets:Number of histogram bins to be used.
:param compute:
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
def _bins_col(_cols, _min, _max):
return {
col_name: list(np.linspace(float(_min["min"][col_name]), float(_max["max"][col_name]), num=buckets + 1))
col_name in _cols}
_min = df.cols.min(cols, numeric=True, compute=compute, tidy=False)
_max = df.cols.max(cols, numeric=True, compute=compute, tidy=False)
_bins = _bins_col(cols, _min, _max)
def get_hist(pdf, col_name, _bins):
_count, bins_edges = np.histogram(pd.to_numeric(
pdf, errors='coerce'), bins=_bins[col_name])
return (col_name, [list(_count), list(bins_edges)])
def format_histograms(values):
_result = {}
x = np.zeros(buckets)
for col_name, count_edges in values:
if count_edges is not None:
_count = np.sum([x, count_edges[0]], axis=0)
_bins = count_edges[1]
dr = {}
for i in range(len(_count)):
key = (float(_bins[i]), float(_bins[i + 1]))
if np.isnan(key[0]) and np.isnan(key[1]):
dr[key] = dr.get(key, 0) + int(_count[i])
r = [{"lower": k[0], "upper": k[1], "count": count} for k, count in dr.items()]
if len(r):
_result[col_name] = r
return {"hist": _result}
partitions = self.F.to_delayed(
result = [get_hist(part[col_name], col_name, _bins)
for part in partitions for col_name in cols]
result = format_histograms(result)
if compute:
result = self.F.compute(result)
return result
[docs] def quality(self, cols="*", flush=False, compute=True) -> dict:
Return the data quality in the format
{'col_name': {'mismatch': 0, 'missing': 9, 'match': 0, 'inferred_data_type': 'object'}}
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param flush:
:param compute:
:return: dict in the format {'col_name': {'mismatch': 0, 'missing': 9, 'match': 0, 'inferred_data_type': 'object'}}
df = self.root
# if a dict is passed to cols, assumes it contains the data types
if is_dict(cols):
cols_types = cols
cols_types = self.root.cols.infer_type(cols, tidy=False)["infer_type"]
result = {}
profiler_to_mask_func = {
"decimal": "float"
quality_props = ["match", "missing", "mismatch"]
transformed = self._transformed(quality_props)
for col_name, props in cols_types.items():
# Gets cached quality
if col_name not in transformed and not flush:
cached_props = Meta.get(self.root.meta, f"profile.columns.{col_name}.stats")
if cached_props and all(prop in cached_props for prop in quality_props):
result[col_name] = {"match": cached_props.get("match"),
"missing": cached_props.get("missing"),
"mismatch": cached_props.get("mismatch")}
# Match the profiler dtype with the function. The only function that need to be remapped are decimal and int
dtype = props["data_type"]
dtype = df.constants.INTERNAL_TO_OPTIMUS.get(dtype, dtype)
dtype = profiler_to_mask_func.get(dtype, dtype)
matches_mismatches = getattr(df[col_name].mask, dtype)(
missing = df.mask.null(col_name).cols.sum()
values = {list(j.values())[0]: list(j.values())[1] for j in
matches = values.get(True)
mismatches = values.get(False, missing) - missing
# Ensure that value are not None
matches = 0 if matches is None else int(matches)
mismatches = 0 if mismatches is None else int(mismatches)
missing = 0 if missing is None else int(missing)
result[col_name] = {"match": matches,
"missing": missing, "mismatch": mismatches}
for col_name in cols_types.keys():
result[col_name].update({"inferred_data_type": cols_types[col_name]})
for col in result:
self.root.meta = Meta.set(self.root.meta, f"profile.columns.{col}.stats", result[col])
self._set_transformed_stat(list(result.keys()), ["match", "missing", "mismatch"])
return result
[docs] def infer_type(self, cols="*", sample=INFER_PROFILER_ROWS, tidy=True) -> dict:
Infer data types in a dataframe from a sample. First it identify the data type of every value in every cell.
After that it takes all ghe values apply som heuristic to try to better identify the datatype.
This function use Pandas no matter the engine you are using.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param sample:
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: dict with the column and the inferred data type.
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
# Infer the data type from every element in a Series.
sample_df =
rows_count = sample_df.rows.count()
sample_dtypes = sample_df.cols.infer_data_types().cols.frequency()
unique_counts = sample_df.cols.count_uniques(tidy=False)['count_uniques']
cols_and_inferred_dtype = {}
for col_name in cols:
infer_value_counts = sample_dtypes["frequency"][col_name]["values"]
infer_value_counts = [
vc for vc in infer_value_counts if vc["value"] not in [
ProfilerDataTypes.NULL.value, ProfilerDataTypes.MISSING.value
if not len(infer_value_counts):
infer_value_counts = sample_dtypes["frequency"][col_name]["values"]
if not len(infer_value_counts):
dtypes = [value_count["value"] for value_count in infer_value_counts]
dtypes_counts = [value_count["count"] for value_count in infer_value_counts]
dtype_i = 0
if len(dtypes) > 1:
if dtypes[0] == ProfilerDataTypes.INT.value and dtypes[1] == ProfilerDataTypes.DECIMAL.value:
dtype_i = 1
if dtypes[0] == ProfilerDataTypes.ZIP_CODE.value and dtypes[1] == ProfilerDataTypes.INT.value:
if dtypes_counts[0] / rows_count < ZIPCODE_THRESHOLD:
dtype_i = 1
dtype = dtypes[dtype_i]
# Is the column categorical?. Try to infer the datatype using the column name
is_categorical = False
# if any(x in [word.lower() for word in wordninja.split(col_name)] for x in ["id", "type"]):
# is_categorical = False
or unique_counts[col_name] / rows_count < CATEGORICAL_RELATIVE_THRESHOLD \
or unique_counts[col_name] < CATEGORICAL_THRESHOLD \
or any(x in [word.lower() for word in wordninja.split(col_name)] for x in ["id", "type"]):
is_categorical = True
cols_and_inferred_dtype[col_name] = {
"data_type": dtype, "categorical": is_categorical}
if dtype == ProfilerDataTypes.DATETIME.value:
# pydatainfer do not accepts None value so we must filter them
# TODO: should this be inside date_format?
__df = sample_df[col_name].rows.drop_missings()
_format = __df.cols.date_format(cached=False)
if not _format:
_format = self.root.cols.date_format(col_name, cached=True)
if _format:
cols_and_inferred_dtype[col_name].update({"format": _format})
for col in cols_and_inferred_dtype:
self.root.meta = Meta.set(self.root.meta, f"profile.columns.{col}.stats.inferred_data_type",
result = {"infer_type": cols_and_inferred_dtype}
return format_dict(result, tidy=tidy)
[docs] def frequency(self, cols="*", n=MAX_BUCKETS, percentage=False, total_rows=None, count_uniques=False,
compute=True, tidy=False) -> dict:
Return the count of every element in the column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param n: numbers of bins to be returned.
:param percentage: if True calculate the
:param total_rows: If True returned the total count.
:param count_uniques: If True returned the number of uniques elements.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: dict with the count of every element in the column.
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
# avoid passing "self" to a Dask worker
to_items = self.F.to_items
def calculate_n_largest(_series, include_uniques):
_value_counts = _series.value_counts()
_n_largest = _value_counts.nlargest(n)
if include_uniques:
_count_uniques = _value_counts.count()
return _n_largest, _count_uniques
return _n_largest
def kc(x):
f = x[0] if is_numeric(x[0]) else float("inf")
return (-x[1], f, str(x[0]))
def series_to_dict(_series):
if is_tuple(_series):
_series, _total_freq_count = _series
_series, _total_freq_count = _series, None
series_items = sorted(to_items(_series), key=kc)
_result = [{"value": value, "count": count}
for value, count in series_items]
if _total_freq_count is None:
_result = { {"values": _result}}
_result = { {"values": _result,
"count_uniques": int(_total_freq_count)}}
return _result
def flat_dict(top_n):
return {"frequency": {key: value for ele in top_n for key, value in ele.items()}}
def freq_percentage(_value_counts: dict, _total_rows):
for col in _value_counts["frequency"]:
for x in _value_counts["frequency"][col]["values"]:
x['percentage'] = round(x['count'] * 100 / _total_rows, 2)
return _value_counts
n_largest = [calculate_n_largest([col], count_uniques) for col in cols]
b = [series_to_dict(_n_largest) for _n_largest in n_largest]
c = flat_dict(b)
if percentage is True:
c = freq_percentage(c, self.F.delayed(len)(
if compute is True:
result = self.F.compute(c)
result = c
if tidy is True:
result = result["frequency"]
return result
[docs] def boxplot(self, cols="*") -> dict:
Return the boxplot data in python dict format.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:return: dict with box plot data.
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
stats = {}
for col_name in cols:
iqr = df.cols.iqr(col_name, more=True, estimate=False)
if not is_dict(iqr):
stats[col_name] = np.nan
lb = iqr["q1"] - (iqr["iqr"] * 1.5)
ub = iqr["q3"] + (iqr["iqr"] * 1.5)
_mean = df.cols.mean(cols)
query = ((df[col_name] < lb) | (df[col_name] > ub))
# Fliers are outliers points
fliers =
stats[col_name] = {'mean': _mean, 'median': iqr["q2"], 'q1': iqr["q1"], 'q3': iqr["q3"], 'whisker_low': lb,
'whisker_high': ub,
'fliers': fliers[col_name], 'label': one_list_to_val(col_name)}
return stats
[docs] def names(self, cols="*", data_types=None, invert=False, is_regex=None) -> list:
Return the names of the columns.
:param cols: Regex, "*" or columns to get.
:param data_types: returns only columns with matching data types
:param invert: invert column selection
:param is_regex: if True, forces cols regex as a regex
df = self.root
all_cols = parse_columns(df, "*")
if is_str(cols) and cols != "*" and cols not in all_cols and is_regex is None:
is_regex = True
return parse_columns(df, cols, filter_by_column_types=data_types, invert=invert,
[docs] def count_zeros(self, cols="*", tidy=True, compute=True):
Return the count of zeros by column.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param tidy:
:param compute:
return self.count_equal(cols, 0, tidy=tidy)
# df = self.root
# return df.cols.agg_exprs(cols, self.F.count_zeros, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def qcut(self, cols="*", quantiles=None, output_cols=None):
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param quantiles:
:param output_cols:
return self.apply(cols, self.F.qcut, args=quantiles, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.ABS.value,
[docs] def cut(self, cols="*", bins=None, labels=None, default=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Use cut when you need to segment and sort data values into bins. This function is also useful for going from a
continuous variable to a categorical variable. For example, cut could convert ages to groups of age ranges.
Supports binning into an equal number of bins, or a pre-specified array of bins.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param bins:
:param labels:
:param default:
:param output_cols:
return self.apply(cols, self.F.cut, output_cols=output_cols, args=(bins, labels, default),
[docs] def clip(self, cols="*", lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Assigns values outside boundary to boundary values.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param lower_bound: Minimum threshold value. All values below this threshold will be set to it.
A missing threshold (e.g NA) will not clip the value.
:param upper_bound: Maximum threshold value. All values above this threshold will be set to it.
A missing threshold (e.g NA) will not clip the value.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
def _clip(value):
return self.F.clip(value, lower_bound, upper_bound)
return self.apply(cols, _clip, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.CLIP.value, mode="vectorized")
[docs] def one_hot_encode(self, cols="*", prefix=None, drop=True, **kwargs) -> 'DataFrameType':
Maps a categorical column to multiple binary columns, with at most a single one-value.
:param cols: Columns to be encoded.
:param prefix: Prefix of the columns where the output is going to be saved.
:param drop:
:return: Dataframe with encoded columns.
return self.root.encoding.one_hot_encoder(cols=cols, prefix=prefix, drop=drop, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod
def string_to_index(cols=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Encodes a string column of labels to a column of label indices.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
[docs] @staticmethod
def index_to_string(cols=None, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Maps a column of label indices back to a column containing the original labels as strings.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
# URL methods
[docs] def domain(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Returns the domain string from a url. From it returns
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.domain, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.DOMAIN.value,
[docs] def top_domain(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Returns the top domain string from a url. From '' it returns ''.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.top_domain, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.TOP_DOMAIN.value,
[docs] def sub_domain(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Returns the subdomain string from a url. From it returns 'www'.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
# From it returns www
return self.apply(cols, self.F.sub_domain, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.SUB_DOMAIN.value,
[docs] def url_scheme(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Returns the top domain string from a url. From '' it returns 'https'.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
# From it returns https
return self.apply(cols, self.F.url_scheme, output_cols=output_cols,
[docs] def url_path(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Returns the top domain string from a url. From it returns ''.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.url_path, output_cols=output_cols,
[docs] def url_file(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Returns the file string from a url. From it returns 'index.html'.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.url_file, output_cols=output_cols,
[docs] def url_query(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Returns the query string from a url. From it returns 'roolout=true'.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.url_query, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.URL_QUERY.value,
[docs] def url_fragment(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.url_fragment, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.URL_FRAGMENT.value,
[docs] def host(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Returns the host string from a url.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols,, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.HOST.value,
[docs] def port(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the port string from a url.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.port, output_cols=output_cols, meta_action=Actions.PORT.value,
# Email functions
[docs] def email_username(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the username from an email address. From optimus@mail.col it will return 'optimus'.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.email_username, output_cols=output_cols,
[docs] def email_domain(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Return the domain from an email address. From optimus@mail.col it will return 'mail'.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.email_domain, output_cols=output_cols,
# Mask functions
def _mask(self, cols="*", func: Callable = None, output_cols=None,
rename_func: Union[Callable, bool] = True, *args, **kwargs) -> 'DataFrameType':
append_df: 'DataFrameType' = func(cols=cols, *args, **kwargs)
if cols == "*":
cols = one_list_to_val(parse_columns(append_df, cols))
if output_cols:
append_df = append_df.cols.rename(cols, output_cols)
elif rename_func:
if rename_func is True:
def _rename_func(n):
return f"{n}_{func.__name__}"
_rename_func = rename_func
append_df = append_df.cols.rename(_rename_func)
return self.assign(append_df)
def _any_mask(self, cols="*", func: Callable = None, inverse=False, tidy=True,
compute=True, *args, **kwargs) -> bool:
mask = func(cols=cols, *args, **kwargs)
if inverse:
# assigns True if there is any False value
result = {col: self.F.delayed(self.F.not_all)([col])
for col in mask.cols.names()}
# assigns True if there is any True value
result = {col: self.F.delayed(self.F.any)([col])
for col in mask.cols.names()}
def compute_any(values):
return convert_numpy(format_dict(values, tidy))
result = compute_any(result)
if compute:
result = self.F.compute(result)
return result
def _count_mask(self, cols="*", func: Callable = None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True, *args,
**kwargs) -> bool:
mask = func(cols=cols, *args, **kwargs)
if inverse:
def sum_inverse(series):
return len(series) - series.sum()
# assigns True if there is any False value
result = {col: sum_inverse([col])
for col in mask.cols.names()}
def sum(series):
return series.sum()
# assigns True if there is any True value
result = {col: sum([col])
for col in mask.cols.names()}
def compute_count(values):
return convert_numpy(format_dict(values, tidy))
result = compute_count(result)
if compute:
result = self.F.compute(result)
return result
# Any mask
[docs] def any_greater_than(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
:param cols:
:param value:
:param inverse:
:param tidy:
:param compute:
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.greater_than, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
def any_greater_than_equal(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.greater_than_equal, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
def any_less_than(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.less_than, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_less_than_equal(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.less_than_equal, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
def any_between(self, cols="*", lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, equal=True, bounds=None, inverse=False,
tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.between, lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound,
bounds=bounds, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_equal(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.equal, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_not_equal(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.not_equal, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_missing(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.missing, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_null(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.null, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_none(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.none, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_nan(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.nan, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_empty(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.empty, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_mismatch(self, cols="*", data_type=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.mismatch, data_type=data_type, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
def any_duplicated(self, cols="*", keep="first", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.duplicated, keep=keep, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
# def any_uniques(self, cols="*", keep="first", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
# return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.unique, keep=keep, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_match(self, cols="*", regex=None, data_type=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.match, regex=regex, data_type=data_type, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
def any_match_data_type(self, cols="*", data_type=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.match_data_type, data_type=data_type, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
def any_match_regex(self, cols="*", regex=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.match_regex, regex=regex, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
def any_starting_with(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.starts_with, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
def any_ending_with(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.ends_with, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_containing(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.contains, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_value_in(self, cols="*", values=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.value_in, values=values, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_match_pattern(self, cols="*", pattern=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.match_pattern, pattern=pattern, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
def any_expression(self, value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask("*", self.root.mask.expression, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
# Any mask (type)
def any_str(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.str, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_int(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols,, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_float(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.float, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_numeric(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.numeric, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_email(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols,, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_ip(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.ip, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_url(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.url, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_gender(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.gender, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_boolean(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.boolean, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_zip_code(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.zip_code, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_credit_card_number(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.credit_card_number, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_datetime(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.datetime, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_object(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.object, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_array(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.array, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_phone_number(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.phone_number, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_social_security_number(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.social_security_number, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def any_http_code(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._any_mask(cols, self.root.mask.http_code, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
# Count mask
[docs] def count_greater_than(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Count the number of elements greater or equal to a value in given column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param value: Value used to evaluate the function.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.greater_than, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
[docs] def count_greater_than_equal(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, compute=True, tidy=True):
Count the number of elements greater than or equal to a value in given column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param value: Value used to evaluate the function.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.greater_than_equal, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
[docs] def count_less_than(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Count the number of elements smaller than to a value in given column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param value: Value used to evaluate the function.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.less_than, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
[docs] def count_less_than_equal(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Count the number of elements smaller than or equal to a value in given column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param value: Value used to evaluate the function.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.less_than_equal, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
[docs] def count_between(self, cols="*", lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, equal=True, bounds=None, inverse=False,
Count the number of elements between and lower and upper bound in given column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param lower_bound: Lower bound.
:param upper_bound: Upper bound.
:param equal:
:param bounds:
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.between, lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound,
bounds=bounds, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_equal(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Count the number of elements equal to a value in given column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param value: Value used to evaluate the function.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.equal, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_not_equal(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Count the number of elements not equal to a value in given column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param value: Value used to evaluate the function.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.not_equal, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
[docs] def count_missings(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Count the number of missing values in given column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, ProfilerDataTypes.MISSING.value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_nulls(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Count the number of 'nulls' values in a given column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.null, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_none(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Count the number of 'None' values in given column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.none, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_nan(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Count the number of 'nan' values in a given column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.nan, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_empty(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Count the number of empty values in a given column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.empty, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_mismatch(self, cols="*", data_type=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Count the number of mismatch values in a given column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param data_type:
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.mismatch, data_type=data_type, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
[docs] def count_duplicated(self, cols="*", keep="first", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
:param cols:
:param keep:
:param inverse:
:param tidy:
:param compute:
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.duplicated, keep=keep, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
# def count_uniques(self, cols="*", keep="first", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
# return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.unique, keep=keep, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_match(self, cols="*", regex=None, data_type=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number of match values in a given column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param data_type:
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.match, regex=regex, data_type=data_type, inverse=inverse,
[docs] def count_data_type(self, cols="*", data_type=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Count the number of mismatch values in a given column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param data_type:
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.match_data_type, data_type=data_type, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
[docs] def count_regex(self, cols="*", regex=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number of elements that match a regular expression.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param regex: regular expression.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.match_regex, regex=regex, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
[docs] def count_starting_with(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number of elements that start with the given string.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param value: Value used to evaluate the function.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.starts_with, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
[docs] def count_ending_with(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number of elements that ends with the given string.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param value: Value used to evaluate the function.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.ends_with, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
[docs] def count_containing(self, cols="*", value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param value: Value used to evaluate the function.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.contains, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_values_in(self, cols="*", values=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param value: Value used to evaluate the function.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.value_in, values=values, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
[docs] def count_match_pattern(self, cols="*", pattern=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
:param cols:
:param pattern:
:param inverse:
:param tidy:
:param compute:
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.match_pattern, pattern=pattern, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
[docs] def count_expression(self, value=None, inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param value: Value used to evaluate the function.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask("*", self.root.mask.expression, value=value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
# Count mask (data types)
[docs] def count_str(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number of strings in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.str, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_int(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Count the number of integers in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
return self._count_mask(cols,, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_float(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number of floats in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.float, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_numeric(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the numeric elements in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.numeric, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_email(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number of strings that look like an email address in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, ProfilerDataTypes.EMAIL.value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_ip(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number of strings that look like an ip address in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, ProfilerDataTypes.IP.value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_url(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number of strings that look like an url address in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, ProfilerDataTypes.URL.value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_gender(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number of strings that look like a gender in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, ProfilerDataTypes.GENDER.value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_boolean(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number booleans in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, ProfilerDataTypes.BOOLEAN.value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_zip_code(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number of strings that look like a zip code s in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, ProfilerDataTypes.ZIP_CODE.value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
def count_credit_card_number(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
return self._count_mask(cols, ProfilerDataTypes.CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER.value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
[docs] def count_datetime(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
:param cols:
:param inverse:
:param tidy:
:param compute:
return self._count_mask(cols, self.root.mask.datetime, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_object(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts python object in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, ProfilerDataTypes.OBJECT.value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_array(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number of lists in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, ProfilerDataTypes.ARRAY.value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_phone_number(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number of strings that look like phone number in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, ProfilerDataTypes.PHONE_NUMBER.value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
[docs] def count_social_security_number(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number of strings that look like social security number in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, ProfilerDataTypes.SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER.value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy,
[docs] def count_http_code(self, cols="*", inverse=False, tidy=True, compute=True):
Counts the number of strings that look like http code in a column.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param inverse: Inverse the function selection.
:param compute: Compute the result or return a delayed function.
:param tidy: The result format. If True it will return a value if you
process a column or column name and value if not. If False it will return the functions name, the column name
and the value.
:return: The number of elements that match the function.
return self._count_mask(cols, ProfilerDataTypes.HTTP_CODE.value, inverse=inverse, tidy=tidy, compute=compute)
# Append mask
def greater_than(self, cols="*", value=None, output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
rename_func = False if drop else lambda n: f"{n}_greater_than_{value}"
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.greater_than, output_cols, rename_func, value=value)
def greater_than_equal(self, cols="*", value=None, output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
rename_func = False if drop else lambda n: f"{n}_greater_than_equal_{value}"
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.greater_than_equal, output_cols, rename_func, value=value)
def less_than(self, cols="*", value=None, output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
rename_func = False if drop else lambda n: f"{n}_less_than_{value}"
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.less_than, output_cols, rename_func, value=value)
def less_than_equal(self, cols="*", value=None, output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
rename_func = False if drop else lambda n: f"{n}_less_than_equal_{value}"
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.less_than_equal, output_cols, rename_func, value=value)
def between(self, cols="*", lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, equal=True, bounds=None, output_cols=None,
drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
value = str(bounds) if bounds else str((lower_bound, upper_bound))
rename_func = False if drop else lambda n: f"{n}_between_{value}"
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.between, output_cols, rename_func, lower_bound=lower_bound,
equal=equal, bounds=bounds)
def equal(self, cols="*", value=None, output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
rename_func = False if drop else lambda n: f"{n}_equal_{value}"
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.equal, output_cols, rename_func, value=value)
def not_equal(self, cols="*", value=None, output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
rename_func = False if drop else lambda n: f"{n}_not_equal_{value}"
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.not_equal, output_cols, rename_func, value=value)
def missing(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.missing, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def null(self, cols="*", how="all", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.null, output_cols, rename_func=not drop, how=how)
def none(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.none, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def nan(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.nan, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def empty(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.empty, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def mismatch(self, cols="*", data_type=None, output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
rename_func = False if drop else lambda n: f"{n}_mismatch_{data_type}"
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.mismatch, output_cols, rename_func, data_type=data_type)
def duplicated(self, cols="*", keep="first", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.duplicated, output_cols, rename_func=not drop, keep=keep)
def unique(self, cols="*", keep="first", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.unique, output_cols, rename_func=not drop, keep=keep)
def match(self, cols="*", arg=None, regex=None, data_type=None, output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
if arg is not None:
if arg in ProfilerDataTypes.list():
data_type = arg
regex = arg
if data_type is None:
return self.match_regex(cols=cols, regex=regex, output_cols=output_cols, drop=drop)
return self.match_data_type(cols=cols, data_type=data_type, output_cols=output_cols, drop=drop)
def match_regex(self, cols="*", regex=None, output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
rename_func = False if drop else lambda n: f"{n}_match_{regex}"
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.match_regex, output_cols, rename_func, regex=regex)
def match_data_type(self, cols="*", data_type=None, output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
rename_func = False if drop else lambda n: f"{n}_match_{data_type}"
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.match_data_type, output_cols, rename_func, data_type=data_type)
def match_pattern(self, cols="*", pattern=None, output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.pattern, output_cols, rename_func=not drop, pattern=pattern)
def starts_with(self, cols="*", value=None, output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
rename_func = False if drop else lambda n: f"{n}_starts_with_{value}"
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.starts_with, output_cols, rename_func, value=value)
def ends_with(self, cols="*", value=None, output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
rename_func = False if drop else lambda n: f"{n}_ends_with_{value}"
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.ends_with, output_cols, rename_func, value=value)
def contains(self, cols="*", value=None, output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
rename_func = False if drop else lambda n: f"{n}_contains_{value}"
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.contains, output_cols, rename_func, value=value)
def value_in(self, cols="*", values=None, output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.value_in, output_cols, rename_func=not drop, values=values)
def expression(self, where=None, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.expression, output_cols, rename_func=not drop, where=where)
# Append mask (types)
def str_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.str, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def int_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols,, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def float_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.float, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def numeric_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.numeric, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def email_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols,, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def ip_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.ip, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def url_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.url, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def gender_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.gender, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def boolean_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.boolean, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def zip_code_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.zip_code, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def credit_card_number_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.credit_card_number, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def datetime_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.datetime, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def object_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.object, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def array_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.array, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def phone_number_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.phone_number, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def social_security_number_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.social_security_number, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
def http_code_values(self, cols="*", output_cols=None, drop=True) -> 'DataFrameType':
return self._mask(cols, self.root.mask.http_code, output_cols, rename_func=not drop)
# String clustering algorithms
[docs] def fingerprint(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Create the fingerprint for a column
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
df = self.root
def _split_sort_remove_join(value):
Helper function to split, remove duplicate, sort and join back together
# Split into whitespace-separated token
# print("value", type(value), value)
split_key = value.split()
# Sort and remove duplicated items
split_key = sorted(set(split_key))
# join the tokens back together
return " ".join(split_key)
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
output_cols = get_output_cols(cols, output_cols)
for input_col, output_col in zip(cols, output_cols):
df = (df
.cols.trim(input_col, output_col)
.cols.apply(output_col, _split_sort_remove_join, "string", mode="map")
df.meta = Meta.action(df.meta, Actions.FINGERPRINT.value, output_cols)
return df
[docs] def pos(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
A part-of-speech tagger, or POS-tagger, processes a sequence of words, and attaches a part of
speech tag to each word .
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
output_cols = get_output_cols(cols, output_cols)
w_tokenizer = nltk.tokenize.WhitespaceTokenizer()
def calculate_ngrams(text):
if not is_list_value(text):
text = w_tokenizer.tokenize(text)
return nltk.pos_tag(text)
for input_col, output_col in zip(cols, output_cols):
df = df.cols.apply(input_col, calculate_ngrams,
"string", output_cols=output_col, mode="map")
return df
[docs] def ngrams(self, cols="*", n_size=2, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Calculate the ngram for a fingerprinted string.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param n_size: The ngram size.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
output_cols = get_output_cols(cols, output_cols)
def calculate_ngrams(value):
return list(map("".join, list(ngrams(value, n_size))))
for input_col, output_col in zip(cols, output_cols):
df = df.cols.apply(output_col, calculate_ngrams,
"string", output_cols=output_col, mode="map")
df.meta = Meta.action(df.meta, Actions.NGRAMS.value, output_cols)
return df
[docs] def ngram_fingerprint(self, cols="*", n_size=2, output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Calculate the ngram for a fingerprinted string.
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param n_size: The ngram size.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
df = self.root
from nltk import ngrams
def calculate_ngrams(value):
ngram = list(map("".join, list(ngrams(value, n_size))))
ngram = sorted(set(ngram))
_result = "".join(ngram)
return _result
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
output_cols = get_output_cols(cols, output_cols)
for input_col, output_col in zip(cols, output_cols):
df = (df
.cols.copy(input_col, output_col)
.cols.apply(output_col, calculate_ngrams, "string", output_cols=output_col, mode="map")
df.meta = Meta.action(
df.meta, Actions.NGRAM_FINGERPRINT.value, output_cols)
return df
[docs] def levenshtein(self, cols="*", other_cols=None, value=None, output_cols=None):
Calculate the levenshtein distance to a specified column.
The Levenshtein distance is a string metric for measuring the difference between two sequences.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param other_cols:
:param value:
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
df = self.root
cols = parse_columns(df, cols)
if value is None:
other_cols = parse_columns(df, other_cols) if other_cols else None
if other_cols is None and len(cols) <= 2:
other_cols = [cols.pop(-1)]
for col, other_col in zip(cols, other_cols):
df = df.cols.apply(col, self.F.levenshtein, args=([other_col],), func_return_type=str,
meta_action=Actions.LEVENSHTEIN.value, mode="vectorized", func_type="column_expr")
value = val_to_list(value)
for col, val in zip(cols, value):
df = df.cols.apply(col, "levenshtein", args=(val,), func_return_type=str,
meta_action=Actions.LEVENSHTEIN.value, mode="vectorized", func_type="column_expr")
return df
[docs] def nysiis(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply the NYSIIS algorithm to a specified column.
NYSIIS (New York State Identification and Intelligence System).
:param cols: "*", column name or list of column names to be processed.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.nysiis, func_return_type=str, output_cols=output_cols,
meta_action=Actions.NYSIIS.value, mode="vectorized", func_type="column_expr")
[docs] def match_rating_codex(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
The match rating approach (MRA) is a phonetic algorithm developed by Western Airlines in 1977
for the indexation and comparison of homophonous names.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.match_rating_codex, func_return_type=str, output_cols=output_cols,
meta_action=Actions.MATCH_RATING_CODEX.value, mode="vectorized", func_type="column_expr")
[docs] def soundex(self, cols="*", output_cols=None) -> 'DataFrameType':
Apply the Soundex algorithm to a specified column.
Soundex is a phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound, as pronounced in English. The goal is for
homophones to be encoded to the same representation so that they can be matched despite minor
differences in spelling.
:param cols: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
:param output_cols: Column name or list of column names where the transformed data will be saved.
return self.apply(cols, self.F.soundex, func_return_type=str, output_cols=output_cols,
meta_action=Actions.SOUNDEX.value, mode="vectorized", func_type="column_expr")
[docs] def tf_idf(self, features) -> 'DataFrameType':
:param features:
df = self.root
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
X = df[features]._to_values().ravel()
vectors = vectorizer.fit_transform(X)
feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
dense = vectors.todense()
denselist = dense.tolist()
return, columns=feature_names))
[docs] def bag_of_words(self, features, analyzer="word", ngram_range=2) -> 'DataFrameType':
:param analyzer:
:param features:
:param ngram_range:
df = self.root
if is_int(ngram_range):
ngram_range = (ngram_range, ngram_range)
features = parse_columns(df, features)
df =
X = df[features]._to_values().ravel()
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(
ngram_range=ngram_range, analyzer=analyzer)
matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform(X)
return, columns=vectorizer.get_feature_names()))